Linksfield Audiology Institute

Comprehensive Hearing and Balance Assessment

Suite 408
Linksfield Park Clinic
24 Twelfth Avenue
Linksfield West

P O Box 51753

Tel: 011 485-2325/6

Office hours:

  • Mon, Tue, Thu: 08h30 to 17h00
  • Wed: 08h30 to 16h00
  • Fri: 08h30 to 13h00

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Hearing and Hearing Loss

Linksfield Audiology has been providing comprehensive hearing and balance services for almost twenty years. We are equipped to provide services to patients of all ages, from birth to 100-plus! At Linksfield Audiology we always strive to provide our patients with the highest standard of quality services and products. This includes most brands of hearing aids as well as hearing protection.

Your Audiologists at Linksfield Audiology are Tayla Heselton and Chavonne Foord.

The rest of our staff complement includes our receptionist Mickey Gliksman and our Accounts Manager Lindsay Palczewski.

Hearing-test booth

Sound-proof room where hearing tests are conducted

Contact us today to help you with all your hearing related needs.